Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Three {3} Things

Three {3} Things I'm currently loving:

                                          (found on www.buzzfeed.com)

{Gilmore Girls}  Seriously, where was I when this show was first on?  Oh yeah, busy being a first time mom, starting my career, and in an unhappy marriage...but I digress.  I started watching this show this summer (thank you Netflix) and I am hooked.  Like, I would love to stay up all night and watch it hooked.  Instead, I fall asleep every night while watching it and I am just about to finish season 2.  Sometimes when I start a series on Netflix, it begins to feel like homework.  Not the case with this show.  (Am I the only weirdo who has to finish a series once I start it, no matter how long it takes me?)  Gilmore Girls is entertaining, funny, and heartwarming without being cheesy.  I love the mother daughter relationships and would move to Stars Hollow if I could find it on a map.  Fun fun.

                                          (found on www.pioneerwoman.com)

{Insalata Caprese}  My lunch of choice these days is tomatoes, basil, and mozzarella cheese drizzled with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and a dash of sea salt.  Nothing says summer like Caprese Salad.  I am growing tomatoes and basil in my garden this year.  If only I could figure out how to grow mozzarella...

                                           (found on www.google.com)

{Stitch Fix}  Having a stylist pick five articles of clothing for me, mail them to my door, and give me a $25 credit when my friends try this awesomeness too?  Yes please.  Although I don't always keep everything that the stylist sends, (#counselorbudget) this service is just too fun.  I love receiving the boxes and trying everything on immediately.  I text pictures of the clothes to friends in a group message and they weigh in on their opinions of what I should keep and what I should send back.  We have a great time with this and now we look cute too ;)  If you haven't tried Stitch Fix yet, do yourself a favor and click here!  (And you are doing me a favor by being a referral.  Win win!)

I'd love to hear what you are currently loving!

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