Thursday, June 22, 2017


My oldest turns 18 today.  He was the first person to call me mom and the only child to be born when I was a brunette. ;) .  So proud of this boy and so lucky I get to be his mom.

Happy 18th Birthday, Peyton!

The 18 years you have been alive just happen to be 18 of the best years of my life.  You were the first person to call me mom and your presence in this world changed my life forever.  It seems that I was 18 just a few years ago, yet we both know that's not the case. :)  The following are 18 things I wish I had known at 18:

1.  Follow your passions.  What lights you up inside?  What makes you lose track of time?  The world needs more people who are passionate about life.  Passions lead to uncovering God's purpose for your life.

2.  Be curious.  Never stop learning.  Be a student of the world.  Try new things and, if they scare you, even better.  Always be on the edge of your comfort zone.

3.  Be honest.  Practice honesty with others and with yourself.  If you are true to your word, you will live a life of integrity.  If you are true to yourself, you will know when to let go of things or people that no longer serve a positive purpose in your life.  Listen to this and do it sooner rather than later.

4.  Pursue health.  Move your body every day.  Find exercise that you enjoy.  Fuel your body with good food and limit anything that doesn't contribute to overall wellness.

5.  Have faith.  Pray daily.  Pursue a relationship with God by talking to Him like a friend.  Leave judgement to God.  Be an example of a loving Christian in this world by accepting and loving all of God's creation.

6.  Foster relationships.  Relationships with other people make life interesting and colorful.  Be open to meeting new people and getting to know them.  Be intentional about who you date and be a friend that can be counted on.  Be willing to learn from others, but don't let them change who you are at your core.

7.  Love your family.  Family is your beginning and your ending.  Foster relationships with your family of origin and create a loving family of your own.

8.  Travel.  The world is big; go see it.  Getting lost in this great big world once in awhile is the surest way to find yourself.

9.  Don't internalize other's opinions of you.  Other people's opinions of you are their business, not yours.  Look for patterns of opinions to be open to what you may need to work on, but do not get hung up on what other people think.  Know who you are and whose you are.  Nothing else matters.

10.  Make mistakes.  Fail.  Mess up.  Start again.  Every time you make a mistake, you learn something.  Keep reaching and trying.

11.  Be a blessing to someone every day.  People are fighting battles we know nothing about.  Find one person each day that you can bless in some way.  Buy their lunch.  Smile at them.  Hold the door.  Small acts of kindness have the power to alter someone's life and, ultimately, the world.

12.  Smile.  The world needs more joy.  This is the way that you can contribute joy to the world on a daily basis.  Bring your own sunshine.

13.  Manage your money.  Avoid debt; it steals your future and limits your choices.  Always have an emergency savings account, because there is always an emergency.  Spend less than you earn.  Learn to be content with what you have.

14. Heal the past.  Know that the people who have hurt and disappointed you have given you an amazing gift.  A bad example is often more powerful than a good example.  Take those hurtful actions and experiences and use them as a blueprint of how to conduct your life differently.

15.  Plan for the future.  Set goals.  Have a destination in mind.  Know where you are headed and how you will know when you arrive.

16.  Live in the present.  Wherever you are, be all there.  Soak in every experience, even the bad ones.  Some of the worst days of your life will be the turning points that bring you to the best days of your life.  Don't burn bridges.  Embrace each moment and gracefully let it go.

17.  Ask for help.  Be open to having others help you.  It brings people joy to help and you may just learn a thing or two.

18.  Call your mother.

I love you, Peyton!


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