Friday, October 6, 2017

Friday Favorites!

It's been another crazy week filled with sad things in the world. It has me thinking about this quote...

(image from

There's not much going on in the world that I can control, but I can control how I treat others.
I'm so happy to share things that made me smile this week. 
I'm linking up with fellow bloggers ErikaNarci and Andrea to share my Friday Favorites!


September Books and Beans

If you didn't see my September Books and Beans post, read it HERE and enter the giveaway for a great book and a Starbucks gift card!


Homecoming Fun

My middle attended homecoming this past weekend. They don't come much cuter than these two!


Fall Scarves

One of my favorite ways to transition into fall is to add a scarf to my outfit. There are so many great ones to choose from!  Here a few of my favorites...


Fresh Flowers

I found these flowers at Costco! Aren't they the prettiest fall colors?  I love having fresh flowers in the house and it's even better when they are $14.99. :)


Happy Birthday!

My guy had a birthday last Saturday, too. We celebrated by going out to dinner after taking pictures of the homecoming crew. I love this picture because we look soooo tired but are determined to have a date night despite feeling like we need to nap...for a week! It is such a busy season of life right now and I am so lucky to have him to share it with.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! It's a long one for us with Monday off of school, so we plan to cram in a lot of fun!



  1. I love those plaid scarves!! And I try to get myself fresh flowers from Walmart at least every couple of weeks. They're usually $10 or less and brighten up our kitchen immensely! Happy long weekend to you!
