Dan and I sit down each December and make goals for the upcoming year for various areas of our lives; faith, finance, family, fitness, home projects, etc. (see, they don't all start with "F"!) I find it helpful to set goals on a monthly basis that help me move forward personally and also with our big yearly goals. Each month, I will be sharing my goals and then recapping how I did from the month before. I find that if I write something down, I'm much more likely to accomplish it. And if I tell someone else my goal? Fuhgetaboutit...it's as good as done!*Work Out 3 Times Per Week
I am loving a new app I downloaded called Barre 3. I do not enjoy working out and this app contains several different barre workouts that range in length from 5-10 minutes each. I am able to customize my workout with a combo of two or three different sets or whatever I have time for. The moves are easy, but my legs are shaking by minute two. Big results + little time/effort=perfect workout for me!
*Plan Parker's 14th Birthday
14 say what?! I'll need his input on this one, but with a February 4th birthday, It comes up fast! Last year, the two of us stayed in a hotel in Chicago, ordered room service and went to a Bulls game; so fun! I knew at the time that these were precious moments. I have a feeling this year's plans will include more friends and less mom! ;)
*Send an Encouraging Note/Card to 2 People
One of my goals this year is to be intentional about reaching out to others and encouraging them. I am not always good about this, but I really want to be. I love when I get a note or card out of the blue, mostly because it's becoming a lost art. I think this is a good way of being intentional in relationship with others and it gives me an excuse to buy cute notecards at TJ Maxx!
*Have Another Couple Over for Dinner
See above :)
*Read My Devotion and Write in my Gratitude Journal Daily
When life gets busy, my "me" time is the first thing to go. I am going to be reading a devotion from Jesus Calling by Sarah Young each morning and recording three things I'm grateful for each night in a journal I found at Marshall's. I think both of these practices with center and focus my days on what is truly important whether I am busy or not! I have been known to read devotions in the car, at my
desk, or wherever I can fit it in.

*Date Night
I love my man and want to be intentional about our alone time. We are usually very good about this, but January is always a crazy busy month for us with the new semester, basketball games, and life in general. That's why date night made the goal list this month!
*Write 2 Devotions and Chapter 1
When I got divorced, I felt led to help others through the process when I made it to the other side. I have had outlines for two different books in my head for six years...time to get writing!
*Organize Household Paperwork
We organize our paperwork and files each January as we prepare for taxes. I plan to do a post on this and share some awesome resources from blog land that have changed the way we deal with paper in our house.
*Reduce trips to Starbucks
I can't even tell you...I {heart} Starbucks, but they are getting all my calories and money lately. Need proof? Check out my Instagram feed. Time for a detox. Coffee at home is the name of the game this month.
Wish me luck! I'd love to hear your goals for the month or how you attack goal planning in general. It's great to have others encourage you!
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