Friday, September 8, 2017

Friday Favorites!

Why are four day weeks sooooo long??  I feel like I cram five days worth of work into four days.  We are ready for the weekend around here!
(image from

I'm linking up with fellow bloggers ErikaNarci and Andrea to share my Friday Favorites!


I am loving this blueberry green tea!  As the evenings get cooler, I am reaching for this more and more.  What tea flavors are your favorites?  I'm always looking to try new ones.


We pulled the old school Mario Bros. out of the attic a few weeks ago and taught Mason how to play.  The other night, I beat world 8-4.  I am my 4-year-old's hero.  We partied like it was 1985 when this happened...


I mean...have you ever seen anything so cute?!  All ready for his first soccer game where he managed to avoid all contact with the ball for the entire hour. :)


It makes me so happy when all of my library books come in at the same time, but it feels a little like homework!  There are so many good ones in this stack!  This month's book review is going to be awesome!  In case you need a book suggestion now, check out any of my Books and Beans posts or see August's HERE.


Speaking of homework, I'm back in school!  I started an online program through the University of Missouri in Positive Psychology.  I am loving it so far!


We love Halloween at our house so it's never too early to start planning costumes!  Mason is smiling under this mask. :) Whenever we are in a store, he has to check out all of the Halloween items.  So funny!

It's September, ya'll!  Go enjoy a fabulous fall weekend with your tribe!

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