Friday, October 27, 2017

Friday Favorites!

(image from

Happy Friday, everyone! Once again, I'm linking up with fellow bloggers ErikaNarci and Andrea to share my Friday Favorites!

I love Nordstrom mail days...especially when the everything arrives just in time for the coldest day so far. You can find my scarf HERE, my shirt HERE and the softest sweater on Earth HERE. It is spendy but worth every penny! I will be wearing mine all the time!


You all know my love for all things Halloween. I had such a great time taking my little Optimist Prime to the Howl-zoo-een at our local zoo!

Squash Soup at Panera after was a must! Yum!


This guy earned his first soccer medal on Saturday....

this guy played his last game of sophomore football...

and this guy shot pics of it all!

I love watching my kids do what they love and seeing how they love each other...


Dan and I had our very first date on 10-10-10 and had our picture taken in this booth for the very first time. Each year we return to the booth and take a picture. Eight pictures taken so that this first date was my last first date!


My October book review will be up next week, but I am already working on my list for November!  Right now, I am feeling a mystery/suspense theme and reading this book...

I really liked her book The Sixes, and so far, this one is good too!  You can buy your copy HERE.

I predict some pumpkin carving and S'mores in my future this weekend! Hope it's a good one for you and yours!


  1. What a fun (and cute) list of favorites from the week. I love the soccer medal. I also love the idea of returning to the booth and having your picture taken each year. :) Have a great weekend!

    1. He was so proud of his soccer medal! Have a wonderful week!

  2. I am crushing on that scarf!! I need to make a library haul and soon! If not, I'm going to start spending money on my kindle. Eek! Have a happy weekend!

    1. Library hauls are the best! Have a great week!

  3. Love the super cute pics of the boys, my boys are 12 years apart and are very close too. Love the scarf and sweater.

    1. The bonds of brothers are so heartwarming! Have a great week!
