Wednesday, February 27, 2019

19 Ways to Organize Your Life in 2019 {4}

For the 4th post in my 19 Ways to Organize Your Live in 2019 series, I am talking about how to:

Take Control of Your Email


Email has become a significant source of stress in our lives, with many of us managing multiple accounts and never escaping the constant ping of a new email coming straight to our phones. This past year, I worked on managing my email better and thought you might find it useful too! Here are five tips to stop email from taking over your life:


If you do not know about this life changing service, check it out today! This site sends you an email once a month and with one click, you are taken to their site where you see every email subscription you are signed up for. You can quickly go through the list and click "unsubscribe" on any that you are no longer interested in. It has helped me gain control over my inbox.

2. Limit access

Last year, I removed my work email from my phone. Gasp! I know! I check my work email at work and it has been a great way of protecting my time with my family. When there have been emergencies that require my attention, people get in touch with me on my cell phone. This one step has improved the quality of my life by protecting my family time.

3. Silence notifications

I also shut off the little ping and red number notification on my mail icon on my cell phone last year. Who knew? Now I only see email when I am intentionally checking it, not when The Gap sends me one and my phone pings and puts red visual clutter on my phone. Do this today and thank me later.

4. Archive and Organize

My email inboxes at work and home only show items I need to deal with that day. Otherwise, I create a folder and store the information. Google also has a snooze option that makes an email go away until the date you need to deal with it. Also a game changer. Less visual clutter equals a happier Deanna.

5. Limit new subscriptions

When I am out shopping or purchasing things online, I do not give up my email address unless it is absolutely necessary or they will give me $10 if I do. :) If I do give out my email and it is someone that I do not care about hearing from again, I immediately unsubscribe when they send me the first one.

I hope this helps you reduce some of your digital clutter as well! If you have any other tips that work for you, feel free to share them in the comments.

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