Wednesday, June 28, 2017

What's Up Wednesday~Link Up!

Happy Wednesday, everyone!  Today I'm linking up with fellow bloggers MelSheaffer and Shay to talk about what's up!

What we're eating this week:

Summer is all about eating light in our house and anything we can throw on the grill.  I could eat Caprese Salad every day...

(image from

What I'm reminiscing about:

My oldest turned 18 last week, so I've been reminiscing a lot.  I blogged about it HERE.  It was a big birthday and we had such a great celebration.

What I'm loving:

I am loving the unstructured days of summer.  It is so wonderful to have time to recharge and reconnect as a family.

What we've been up to:

We've been busy with travel baseball, high school graduation, and two birthdays.  We have also been hitting our local carnivals for yummy food and rides.  Summer is one long party in our house!

What I'm dreading:

When I was in Target the other day, I noticed that they were setting up the back-to-school supplies...before July 4th.  No Target...just no.

What I've been working on:

I've finished up my schedules for next school year, so my time has been spent working on this little blog.  I've also been busy setting up new systems at home to make life run smoother during the school year.  One of my passions is organizing, and summer is such a good time to reevaluate our household systems and fix what needs fixing to make everyday life easier.


What I'm excited about:

Dan and I are going away for a very quick trip close to home for our anniversary.  We look forward to these little trips for just the two of us.  Here we are last year in Hollywood when he had the opportunity to shoot a commercial.

What I'm watching/reading:

I'm slowly making my way through Parenthood on Netflix.  It's so good, but I wish I just had time to binge watch it.  If only my family didn't get hungry three times a day. ;)

(image from

I have been reading a lot this summer.  You can read my June book review HERE.  I'm currently loving this book...

What I've been listening to:

I blogged about my favorite podcasts HERE, and I found another that I love!

So good!

What I've been wearing:

Summer clothes for me include a lot of shorts, t-shirts and yoga pants.  When I do return to work, I'm looking forward to wearing my new Stitch Fix clothes that I blogged about HERE.

What I'm doing this weekend:

We have a rare weekend with no baseball travel, so we will be spending a lot of time on our back deck, in our hot tub and in our newly finished movie room in our basement.  Even though I love watching my middle play ball, it will be good to have a weekend at home.

What I'm looking forward to next month:

More summer fun and our 5 year wedding anniversary.

What else is new:

That's about it.  I am looking forward to our tomatoes and cucumbers to be ready in the garden.  There is nothing better than eating from the garden!

And this month's bonus question...What is your favorite 4th of July tradition?

We love going to a minor league baseball game all decked out in red, white, and blue, of course, and staying to watch the fireworks after the game.  There's nothing more American than baseball!

If you blog too, link up and tell us what you've been up to!

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