Friday, November 10, 2017

Friday Favorites!

Anyone else have big Friday plans?

It's good to be back after missing last Friday's post!  I'm linking up with fellow bloggers ErikaNarci and Andrea to share my Friday Favorites!


Books are always one of my favorite things and you can find my October post HERE in case you missed it!


Operation Christmas Child

(image from

Have you ever heard of Operation Christmas Child? It is a wonderful ministry that sends shoe boxes full of Christmas gifts to children in third world countries. We have done this for the past few years and it is a great way to demonstrate the gift of giving for your little ones. We have our box packed and ready and Mason said he can't wait to send it to his friend who doesn't have any toys. We pay to track our box so we know where it ends up and we pray for the child who is receiving it. Drop off week is next week, so go HERE to learn how to participate!


Holiday Essential Oils
If you've read my blog for any length of time, you know how much I love my doTERRA essential oils. I put in my November order yesterday and I am so excited about receiving my Holiday Blend. It's about to smell like Christmas around here! The enrollment kits are 20% off during the month of November, so if you've thought about ordering one for yourself or for a Christmas gift, go HERE!



Ebates Coupons and Cash Back

I plan to knock out a big chunk of my Christmas shopping this weekend. I do most of my shopping online because, like the rest of you, I'm insanely busy, and I can save so much money buying online. My secret weapon is going through Ebates to search for the stores I want to shop at and earning a percentage back for each item I buy. I love getting my rebate check after the start of the new year and seeing all the money I "saved" at Christmas! ;) If you click HERE, you can get $10 just for joining and shopping!


Hallmark Channel Christmas Movies

(image from

I am obsessed with the Hallmark Channel around the holidays. I'm not quite sure why I can't get enough of these cheesy movies at Christmas, but they make me oh so happy!  I'm hoping to decorate for Christmas on Sunday (don't judge!) and you bet this channel will be playing in the background.

I hope you all spend time surrounded by your happy things this weekend!


  1. I need to check out your book post! And I love the Operation Christmas Child - we need to do that. My boys would love that. And Hallmark basically stays on. I can't get enough of them either! I watched Ice Sculpture Christmas the other day and really liked it! Happy Weekend!

  2. Operation Christmas Child is so fun for kids! I haven't seen that movie; maybe this weekend! ;)
